
Packing Tips Everyone Should Know

Packing your luggage is crucial whenever you’re planning to travel anywhere- whether it is before you buy flight ticket online or you’re about to book cheap international flights. If you’re prone to over- packing or under- packing, the quality of your travel is bound to suffer apart from losing your mental peace. Follow the packing tips so that when you forget an essential item, you won’t be anxious and run to the nearby store to buy it, causing you unnecessary hassle.


On the other hand, when you’re packing too much for the journey, you’ll end up paying heavy airline baggage fees and become disorganized and disoriented trying to find something you really needed at a moment’s notice.

Avoiding such problems is actually, pretty easy when you simply follow some packing tips. Curious how it can be a magical wand wave away to avoid such annoyances? Read on and find out.

1) Make a packing list.

Procrastinators need this step to ensure they don’t miss something important when they’re packing last minute.

Make a travel packing list days, or even weeks in advance of your departure date. That way, you can ensure that you’re not forgetting anything you’ll need for the trip. 

Buy the items you don’t have and make a checklist of all the things you’re going to pack.

It is a fail- safe way to ensure you miss out on things you might need during your trip, as you can simply add whatever you forgot to the checklist over the period of time.

2) Roll, don’t fold.

Innumerable travel experts, including backpackers who travel with months’ worth of storage of clothes and necessities in just 1 backpack, all have the same opinion.

Tightly rolled clothes take less space than folded clothes do. Not just that, rolling the clothes also avoids deep- set creases and wrinkles that your clothing will get. 

It also avoids them snagging with the rest of the items. Lay the tops face down, fold in the sleeves and roll from bottom up. For the bottoms, fold them in half from the middle, then roll them waist down.

Stack these items in your suitcase first, then put shoes, hairdryer and whatever else you’ll need.

3) Be familiar with your airline’s baggage-fee policy.

Understanding the policies of the airline’s baggage fees is very important for any budget minded travel packaging.

If you’re carrying only one luggage, you might be in luck because most airlines allow travelers to check in at least one bag for international flights.

However, a good number of U. S. airline carriers charge sky- high prices for bags checked on domestic flights. 

So be sure you go to the airline’s website and check the airline’s baggage policy BEFORE you book airline tickets to your destination.

Consider flying on airlines that will allow you to bring at least 1 or 2 checked bags. Or you might end up paying a fortune’s worth for your luggage and carry- on as well.

4) Follow the 3-1-1 rule.

Ever thought about what will happen if you don’t follow Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) 3- 1- 1 rule? Your items will get confiscated of course.

TSA’s 3- 1- 1 rule states that each passenger may carry liquids, gels and aerosols in travel-size containers that are 3.4 ounces or100 milliliters.

Each passenger is limited to one quart-size bag of liquids, gels and aerosols. Foods such as peanut butter, pudding, mashed potatoes, and icing are classified as gels.

Mascara, lip gloss, and aerosol items are also classified as liquids or gels. But bear in mind that liquid prescription medication is exempt. 

Common travel items that must comply with the 3-1-1 liquids rule include toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, mouthwash and lotion.

The 100 ml or smaller size containers that fit in a quart sized clear resealable bag can go in the carry- on and through check point security.

Containers those are larger than 100 ml, regardless of the quantity of product inside are to be inside the checked in luggage. 

5) Choose your personal item wisely.

Generally, most flight carriers allow one personal item and one carry- on bag of each passenger.  The personal item can usually be a backpack, a laptop bag or a purse.

So, choose your personal item carefully- something that can be large enough to store your journey necessities like a tote bag.

It can be stashed anywhere near or around you and is adequate to keep your travelling essentials at hand.

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