travel tips

Prescription medication While Traveling to India

There are some rules and regulations regarding carrying prescription medication in every country. It helps in preventing illegal drug trafficking. Besides, carrying illegal medicines is also prohibited in India. If you are traveling with medication prescribed by an official doctor you may carry a significant amount of dosage. Also, remember to follow standard procedures for carrying your medicine. There are some International Flights from Canada to India, which can be more affordable at a reasonable price. In this article, we will explain some of the things you need to do if you are taking your medicine.

Keep a prescription with you

Every country has its own rules and regulations for prescribed medication. First, you will need a prescription from a practicing medical professional so you can legally purchase the medications. There are some countries like India where you can get the medicine with or without a prescription. However, as per law it is mandatory to have an authentic prescription.

Even when you travel abroad, make sure you have proper certificates for your medical condition and prescribed medication. This will reduce your tension at the airport and the journey will also be comfortable. In most scenarios, Indian Immigration will not obstruct your passage if they do not notice anything suspicious. But some, they can proceed with their investigation. It will be mandatory to submit a valid medical certificate along with the prescribed medicine.

Do some Research in your medication combination

If you are traveling to India, it is advisable that you do some research on your medicines before packing them. The reason for this is that some medicines are banned in India. Therefore, you need to check whether the medicines are legal in India or not. There are many countries where certain medicines are listed, combined medicines and their quantities are prevented. Similarly, in India, after analyzing their efficacy, the Indian Ministry of Health and Welfare has officially declared a list of 344 drug combinations that are banned in India. If you are somehow using this combination or have any doubts, you can consult your doctor or check the list of prohibited drug combinations.

Medium-sized Medical Kit

To carry your medicine, you must have a medium-sized medical kit where you can keep tablets and liquid medicine as well. You can also keep your medical certificates and prescriptions. This is also beneficial because you open only that medical pouch without interfering with other items. Therefore, it is important to carry your medical kit separately.

Practitioner’s Letter stating your condition

In India, if you want to stay longer and need extra medicine, you should carry some extra quantity with you. In such a scenario, you can carry a doctor’s prescription or letter stating your condition. You can keep it in your medical kit so that it is easily available during your inquiry.

Do Not Panic: Remain calm

In some scenarios, you face a situation where you are questioned for carrying medicine at the airport. Don’t panic: stay calm. This procedure is actually common at the immigration counter. You need to keep your medical kit separately. You can easily show your medical documents, prescriptions, and medicine. Be polite, and tell them about your condition and why you are taking your medications. Don’t worry; Immigration agents are just doing their job.

Finally, If you need to bring prescription medication to India, it is important to carefully plan and follow local regulations. It is important to consult your doctor before planning any travel to India. Keep a medium-sized medical kit and keep your medical documents in it. Apart from this, keep your medical kit separate as well. The most important thing is to enjoy your trip to India while taking care of your health and well-being. To make your trip to India memorable, you can book affordable Flights from Canada to India.

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